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Mission Statement DCRE Labs is committed to providing complete and sustainable IT solutions to our customers. We recognize a corporate and social responsibility to help community outreach programs, foster nascent technologies and encourage economic growth through assisting startup companies with IT solutions designed to meet both current and future needs by working closely with our customers at every step in the development process.

Corporate Office

US Mail: P. O. Box 478
Lexington, KY    40588-0488
Shipping: Contact your local DCRE representative to determine the nearest depot
Phone: 408-394-2636
Fax: 866-378-2638
Email: support@dcre-labs.com
URL: http://www.dcre-labs.com

DCRE Labs sponsors several independent projects in a variety of ways, ranging from simple server space/web hosting to full programming support and funding. The following project sites are maintained by DCRE Labs:

A large part of DCRE Labs' research division is operated under the Jinkle.Com brand, including ongoing research and development from the West Coast Division. For more information, visit our research and community outreach programs section.

References / Affiliations

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  Content copyright 2005-2024, DCRE Labs, Use implies acceptance of the Terms of Use